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Phone Call Scam Alert

Posted on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 in Privacy & Security

We've been receiving increased reports of scammers posing as Boone Bank & Trust Co. They are spoofing our phone number so the call looks like it is coming directly from the bank. The scammers have attempted to trick customers into providing confidential information by saying there has been fraudulent transactions on their account. Specifically, they are trying to confirm debit card fraud, then asking you to verify your online banking username and password.

Remember, when in doubt, hang up, and call us at the bank, 515-432-6200, if you have given out any personal information.

We will never call or text you asking for:

-Full Social Security Number
-Debit card number
-PIN number
-Online banking username or password
-Account numbers
-Remote access to your device 

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